Tourist Organization Bar
Tourist Organization Bar is one of the local tourist organizations in Montenegro.
Together with the National Tourist Organization, it represents the tourist offer of Montenegro both in the region and the world.

The main tasks of the local tourist organization TO Bar are improvement and promotion of the original values of the municipality through development and diversification of the tourist offer, creation of conditions for activating tourist resources, protection and preservation of tourist sites, environment and cultural heritage in the municipality of Bar.
In order to develop and promote the tourist offer of the municipality of Bar, TO Bar cooperates with individuals, local associations and non-governmental organizations, and tourist organizations in and outside Montenegro. Among other things, TO Bar organizes cultural, artistic, entertainment, economic, sports and other events, prepares tourist/propaganda and other informative material, and implements programs of study groups and journalists visits to the territory of Bar.
TO Bar directly communicates with tourists through tourist information bureaus in tourist places, registration and deregistration of stay in accordance with the law, and keeping records on the collection of residence, excursion and tourist tax and membership fee. The friendly staff of TO Bar provides guests with information on available accommodation, catering facilities, cultural and other events, as well as service information needed to make the stay of tourists as pleasant as possible.
TO Bar has a tourist information bureau open on Topolica in Bar throughout the year, while eight more bureaus are opened during the season in other tourist sites: Old Bar, Šušanj, Sutomore, Čanj, Dobra Voda, Utjeha, Ostros and Virpazar.
In addition to services of electronic registration of residence and payment of residence tax, all tourist information bureaus provide tourists with information about the overall tourist offer of the town, as well as advertising and propaganda material.
Our Projects
TO Bar is implementing various projects that improve the tourist offer in Bar.
I Love Bar >>>
I Love Bar
Kilometre Zero >>>
Kilometre Zero
Solar Tree >>>
Solar Tree
IPA projects of the Tourist Organization Bar
In 2020, the Tourist Organization Bar was approved two projects funded by the European Union:
EMOUNDERGROUNDS and Wrecks4all whose total value is EUR 3,726,233, of which EUR 263,943 belongs to TO Bar.
Our Team
Meet Our Employees

mr Nikoleta Nikčević
Manager for promotional activities

Ilija stojović
Manager for organization of fairs and events

Višnja Raičević
Manager for organization of fairs and events

Sabina Alibašić
Associate for market analysis, revenues and statistics

Ivan Kovač
- Coordinator for tourist information bureaus and resident tax collection officer

Sara Jovićević
- Associate for online promotion, communication on social networks, and information provider at tourist information bureau

Sandra Jovetić
Legal Associate

Snežana Karanikić
Business and Technical Secretary of TO Bar

Ljiljana Mijović
Officer for informative propaganda activities, residence registration and residence tax collection

Almira Lukolić
Officer for informative propaganda activities, residence registration and residence tax collection